
Bast makes use of Jinja as it’s template engine. To render view from Controller use self.view('template.html') to render the view.

The view function takes in the template name as an argument and an optional parameter args which is of type dict. This is used to pass data from the controller to the view

To access the data passed as args, use the key in the template to reference it. In controller, we pass { 'foo': 'bar'} to the view together with the template. To access it in the template, we use the key to access it {{ foo }}

All HTML files goes in public/templates directory as the server loads the templates directly from there.

To create view, you can use the panther CLI tool to create the view

$ panther create:view mytemplate

This creates a mytemplate.html in the public/templates folder.

Another option is to directly create the mytemplate.html in the public/templates folder

Static Files

Static Files are to be stored in the public/static folders. Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files are to be stored in public/static/css folder, Javascript/JS files are to be in the public/static/js folder and Images are to be in the public/static/images folder.

Bast has built in functions to access files in each of the folders and renders it to the view with it’s appropriate HTML code.

To render scripts , {{ script('myscript.js') }} which in view would translate to <script type="text/javascript" src="/script/myscript.js"></script>

To render CSS {{ css('mystyle.css') }} which in view would translate to <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/mystyle.css">

To render images {{ image('myimage.png', 'alt_name') }} which in view would translate to <img src="/images/myimage.png" alt="alt_name">. P.S.: The ``alt_name`` is optional

For further options on how to use Jinja Templates, visit the Jinja Documentation