Source code for bast.controller

    Bast Web Framework
    (c) Majiyagbe Oluwole <>

    For full copyright and license information, view the LICENSE distributed with the Source Code

import importlib
import logging
import traceback

from tornado.web import RequestHandler
from tornado.util import unicode_type

from .exception import BastException
from .json_ import Json as json_
from .view import TemplateRendering
import os
from tornado.gen import coroutine
from bast import Bast

[docs]class Controller(RequestHandler, TemplateRendering): method = None middleware = None providers = {} request_type = None def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): super(Controller, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) self.request = request self.application = application self.session_driver = os.getenv("SESSION") self.session = Bast.session['session']
[docs] def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs): """ Handle Exceptions from the server. Formats the HTML into readable form """ reason = self._reason if self.settings.get("serve_traceback") and "exc_info" in kwargs: error = [] for line in traceback.format_exception(*kwargs["exc_info"]): error.append(line) else: error = None data = {'_traceback': error, 'message': reason, 'code': status_code} content = self.render_exception(**data) self.write(content)
[docs] def view(self, template_name, kwargs=None): """ Used to render template to view Sample usage +++++++++++++ .. code:: python from bast import Controller class MyController(Controller): def index(self): self.view('index.html') """ if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() self.add_('session', self.session) content = self.render_template(template_name, **kwargs) self.write(content)
def data_received(self, chunk): pass def __run_middleware__(self, middleware_list): """ Gets the middleware attached to the route and executes it before the route is called. Middlewares in Bast are run before the Controller Logic is executed. Returns true once it has been run successfully """ middleware_location = 'middleware' return_value = False try: for func in middleware_list: middleware_func = importlib.import_module('{0}.'.format(middleware_location) + func) if hasattr(middleware_func, func): class_name = getattr(middleware_func, func) handle = getattr(class_name, 'handle') return_value = handle(class_name, self) return return_value except Exception as e: print("There is an Error in your Middleware ", e) return return_value def initialize(self, method, middleware, request_type): """ Overridden initialize method from Tornado. Assigns the controller method and middleware attached to the route being executed to global variables to be used """ self.method = method self.middleware = middleware self.request_type = request_type
[docs] def only(self, arguments): """ returns the key, value pair of the arguments passed as a dict object Sample Usage ++++++++++++++ .. code:: python from bast import Controller class MyController(Controller): def index(self): data = self.only(['username']) Returns only the argument username and assigns it to the data variable. """ data = {} if not isinstance(arguments, list): arguments = list(arguments) for i in arguments: data[i] = self.get_argument(i) return data
def all(self): """ Returns all the arguments passed with the request Sample Usage ++++++++++++ .. code:: python from bast import Controller class MyController(Controller): def index(self): data = self.all() Returns a dictionary of all the request arguments """ data = {} args = self.request.arguments for key, value in args.items(): data[key] = self.get_argument(key) return data
[docs] def except_(self, arguments): """ returns the arguments passed to the route except that set by user Sample Usage ++++++++++++++ .. code:: python from bast import Controller class MyController(Controller): def index(self): data = self.except_(['arg_name']) Returns a dictionary of all arguments except for that provided by as ``arg_name`` """ if not isinstance(arguments, list): arguments = list(arguments) args = self.request.arguments data = {} for key, value in args.items(): if key not in arguments: data[key] = self.get_argument(key) return data
[docs] def json(self, data): """ Encodes the dictionary being passed to JSON and sets the Header to application/json """ self.write(json_.encode(data)) self.set_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
[docs] @coroutine def get(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.request_type is not 'GET': raise BastException(405, "Wrong Method. Expected Request Method: %s" % self.request_type) if self.middleware is not None and len(self.middleware) > 0: value = self.__run_middleware__(self.middleware) if not value: return func = getattr(self, self.method) if func: func() else: raise BastException(404, "Controller Function Not Found")
[docs] @coroutine def post(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.request_type is not 'POST': raise BastException(405, "Wrong Method. Expected Request Method: %s" % self.request_type) if self.middleware is not None and len(self.middleware) > 0: value = self.__run_middleware__(self.middleware) if not value: return func = getattr(self, self.method) if func: func() else: raise BastException(404, "Controller Function Not Found")
[docs] @coroutine def put(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.request_type is not 'PUT': raise BastException(405, "Wrong Method. Expected Request Method: %s" % self.request_type) if self.middleware is not None and len(self.middleware) > 0: value = self.__run_middleware__(self.middleware) if not value: return func = getattr(self, self.method) if func: func() else: raise BastException(404, "Controller Function Not Found")
[docs] @coroutine def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.request_type is not 'DELETE': raise BastException(405, "Wrong Method. Expected Request Method: %s" % self.request_type) if self.middleware is not None and len(self.middleware) > 0: value = self.__run_middleware__(self.middleware) if not value: return func = getattr(self, self.method) if func: func() else: raise BastException(404, "Controller Function Not Found")
[docs] def get_argument(self, name, default=None, strip=True): """ Returns the value of the argument with the given name. If default is not provided, returns ``None`` If the argument appears in the url more than once, we return the last value. The returned value is always unicode """ return self._get_argument(name, default, self.request.arguments, strip)[name]
[docs] def headers(self): """ Returns all headers associated with the request """ return self.request.headers
[docs] def header(self, param): """ Returns the header specified by the key provided """ return self.request.headers.get(param)
def _get_argument(self, name, default, source, strip=True): args = self._get_arguments(name, source, strip=strip) if not args: if default is None: return None return args[-1] def _get_arguments(self, name, source, strip=True): values = [] for v in source.get(name, []): v = self.decode_argument(v, name=name) if isinstance(v, unicode_type): v = self._remove_control_chars_regex.sub(" ", v) if strip: v = v.strip() v = {name: v} values.append(v) return values